macam aku kesah!
nak pecat, pecat la..
do i care?
aku da jlnkan tanggungjawab aku..
ko jalankan tanggungjawab ko..
lau ko rse 2 krje ko..,
n bende tu wajar..
why not kan..
but 4 a thing that cannot be a reason..
mmg pelik bin ajaib la..
but, if u thing u could do that, go on..
aku sedaya mungkin cuba utk positif..
aku xnk jadi org yg cepat terase..
walaupun hakikatnye mmg aku terase..
the thing that i don't ever expect
and from someone that aku xsangke gak..
mmg aku terase..
aku da 3 sem weh wat bende nie..
why now?
bcoz of the childish jokes
ko mcm nie ke?
come on la..
be profesional please..
kcuali kalo ko ade reason for that..
i will accept it..
what ever..
u really2 touch my heart!!